Friday, September 11, 2009

SNL New Cast Members

Well, every year I wait and hope to see the new additions of the new cast.  In the past before the internet, I would sit in excitment and wait for the new member.  But wait, I knew about the new cast when they retooled the show in '95 as I knew Will Ferrell was on the show.  I couldn't youtube him for shit back then.  But yeah, I remember seeing Bill Hader and Andy Samberg and wondering who they were and thinking that these guys might be the funniest dudes on the show.  We all know how that worked out.  And now, we have Jenny Slate and Nassim Pedrad.  You all may know slate from Jimmy Fallon, where she played Jenny the evil page.  I know Nassim went to UCLA.  I wonder if these girls will be more Kristen Wiig or more dare I say, Casey Wilson.

I'm shifting this blog over a few viewpoints

So It's been awhile since I've created a post on here and I have decided to shift this over to my musings about stuff rather than what I do.  I think my views on what I like are much more fun to read than stuff about my life......Ok, so I think I I'm writing about Comedy.  We'll see what happens.